Day Care Service

KBF’s Day Care Service establishes and operates day care centers in disadvantaged communities as a venue for children to develop their psycho-social, intellectual, physical and emotional functioning based on accepted child development concepts.
KBF currently runs a Day Care Center in each of the following locations:
Barangay Escopa 1, Project 4, Quezon City – with initial funding from Rotary Club Murphy, later
taken on by Les Amis des Enfants du Monde (AEM) of France
Barangay Escopa 2, Project 4, Quezon City – under the sponsorship of Holt International Children’s
Services, USA
Baranga Escopa 3, Project 4, Quezon City – with funding assistance from AEM of France and
Wereldkinderen of Netherlands.
Barangay Milagrosa, Project 4, Quezon City – with initial funding from Wereldkinderen, later taken
on by the Barangay council.
Barangay Duyan-Duyan, Project 3, Quezon City – sponsored by Wereldkinderen.
Barangay Industrial Valley Complex, Olandes, Marikina City – funded by Holt International Children’s Services.
Rationale for the Service
Children have the right to survive, to be protected, and to participate in their development. The first six years of life, called the formative years, comprise the most crucial stage of a child’s growth and formation. By age six, the child’s brain would have already reached 90% of its development.
The care that the child receives during this crucial period would significantly impact his or her learning capacity, creativity, social interaction and basic personality well into adulthood. This, KBF’s provision of a Day Care Service as a venue for early childhood care and development in communities that are unlikely to be able to provide such opportunities is invaluable.
Legal Basis
Republic Act 6972 mandates the establishment of a day care center in every barangay, instituting therein a total development and protection of children program, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes.
Executive Order 340 directs National Government Agencies and Government Owned and Controlled Corporations to provide day care services for their employees’ children under six years of age.
The Labor Code of the Philippines, under Title III, Chapter I, Article 132, stipulates the establishment of a nursery in the workplace for the children of employees.
Components of the Service
Early Childhood Care and Development
The activities provided in KBF’s Day Care Centers are designed to encourage as well as to monitor each child’s development – in the areas of gross and fine motor skills, receptive and expressive language, cognitive abilities, self-help and social-emotional growth.
Supplemental Feeding
Nutritious snacks are served to the children to supplement their daily food requirements. Proper nutrition in the childhood years is vital in the total health and development of the child.
Children Eligible for KBF’s Day Care Service
The following children are qualified to be Day Care Service beneficiaries:
Those whose families reside in the communities being served by KBF’s Day Care Centers.
Those who are 3 years old to below 6 years old
Those whose parents are unable or incapable of caring for them due to the following circumstances:
Working solo parents.
Both parents are working and no responsible adult is available to look after the child.
Parents have younger children to care for and spend all of their time doing household chores.
Parents are ill.
Parents are abusive and neglectful.
Parents are not prepared to provide early childhood care and stimulation to the child
Those whose parents are economically incapable of sending them to paying preshcool.
Those who are withdrawn and/or have disabilities, and can be helped through socialization.
Those who are underweight or malnourished but are free from any communicable disease
Benefits of the Service
The children who attend KBF’s Day Care Centers:
enjoy a safe and stimulating environment in which to learn and grow.
become physically fit through proper nutrition and active play.
develop mental, verbal and language skills.
build up self-confidence, self-expression and self-discipline.
learn to relate well with peers, parents and other adults.
acquire good hygiene and personal grooming habits.
imbibe strong spiritual, socio-cultural and nationalistic values, as well as positive attitudes
towards their family, our country, and the environment
Responsibilities of the Day Care Parents
The parents of the Day Care Center children:
pay a participation fee of P3.00 per day to cover the costs of learning materials, school
supplies, and supplemental feeding.
attend meetings, parenting workshops, and counseling sessions for the best interests of their children.
serve as volunteers in marketing, cooking, serving the supplemental feeding, assisting in
cleaning their particular Center and its premises, and acting as teacher’s aides
For more information, contact KBF at:
#56 10th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City 1109, Philippines
Tel. nos. (+63)2-912-1159
Fax no. (+63)2-912-1160
Mobile: (+63)917-311-4795
Kaisahang Buhay Foundation Incorporated is a private, non-profit child and family welfare organization duly licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and certified as a donee institution by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Philippine Council for NGO Certification. The organization’s name, Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, stands for oneness within the family and meaningful life for the children it serves.
#56 10th Avenue, Cubao,
Quezon City, Philippines 1109
Phone: (02) 912-1160
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